Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Mean

Everyone is back in Westchester and The PC are back at OCD. Claire is talking to her agent concerning her future career. Massie, Alicia and Dylan join the soccer team. Also, the 8th grade secret room is up for grabs as 7th grade girls go around trying to find the key that opens the door to the room. Where is the key? It is hidden under the mattress of a boys room. The first to find wins the room.

Claire has stalkers and people are buying her personal things from Tiny Nathan and Todd. Massie not only reminds the girls that people love The PC but also want to be The PC and that they still look for flaws in them.

Claire having stalkers is weird. However, my concern here is Massie believing everyone wants to be The PC. This is a good indication of high self-esteem and another indication of narcissism in the making. Parents and adults, encourage good healthy self-esteem in your children but do not have them develop egos that are too big for their own good. This child does not have low self anything! This is a HUGE myth with these abusers. It is important to know this.

Claire mentions having to see her agent in Manhattan. This makes Massie angry and she wants to smack her. Why? Because that she be her and not Claire.

Here we go again. The wrath of Massie and her feelings of entitlement in how she treats her friends. Talk to your kids about how a friend encourages others but also talk to them about rubbing good things in the face of others. This is a huge problem in girls. Someone has something good happen to them and others get angry and jealous. So, the person rubs their good news in to the others to make them jealous. How can anyone be happy for someone when they are intentionally trying to anger them? At the same time, good things come to all of us and we all will get our chance. Good things come to those who wait.

On the first day back to school, everyone is so excited to see The PC back at OCD. Before entering the building, Massie lines The PC up against the building and does a wardrobe check. Claire does not want to show Massie what she is wearing as anyone who rates below a 7 has to walk 3 paces behind the rest of the group. So, Claire is walking 3 paces behind the others through the halls. Once they walk down the hall everyone cheers and claps. Massie has purple balloons taped to her locker. Also, Us Weekly articles about the movie and their trip to Los Angeles. There are even old articles on Celebrities and their daughters with Dylan and her mother. Claire is signing autographs and other PC members are signing things for others. Of course, this annoys them and they shoo their fans away.

Once again, the power is given to a group of mean girls and their entitlement is starting to soar. I would have hoped that the others at school would have been glad to go to school without being abused on a daily basis. Once again, these girls do not have low self-esteem and behavior like this creates monsters. I understand Claire signing autographs but Massie and the others? What did they do?

At lunch, table eighteen is roped off with purple ribbon. The crafts club made them pillows to put in their chairs. They love the attention but Massie is getting bored. She knows she is loved and ah-dored but is also annoyed because people liked seeing Claire in the movie. Despite everyone making the effort to try to welcome them back, they are annoyed with people stopping by. Also, Massie keeps calling them LBR's under her breath when they stop by. She even yells "Enough! We are in the middle of something, okay?" and when Layne stops by to see Claire Massie coughs L Alicia B Dylan R while Kristen giggles.

We are seeing more of the monsters being created here. Why are these kids wasting their time? They are all learning that being bad, rude, disrespectful and nasty to others is a good thing. The way they are treating Layne is horrible. Again, you want your children to be like Layne. She is the one who is healthy here. All anyone is doing here is creating monsters in these girls. They have power and use it in the wrong way. Talk to children about being good leaders. These girls are leaders by nature but are corrupt ones.

Massie and her friends are in the school chapel. They run into Kora and Penelope. They want to know why Massie and her friends are there and Massie lets them know that she was there praying because she lost her keys. However, it did not work because Penelope is still annoying. Alicia snarls for them to leave and they refuse to. Massie reminds Kora peed in her sleeping bag at a sleepover in 3rd grade and will not have any trouble letting everyone know if they do not leave. The girls leave the chapel.

Was this necessary? A chapel is big enough for everyone and the other girls were there first. I like how they stood up to them at first by asking why they were there. Also, by initially refusing to leave. Massie once again resorts to blackmail to get what she wants. Does anyone want our children to grow up and corrupt others? Newsflash, it is happening all the time and people wonder why others behave in such a manner? It starts here with these people as children. They have power and abuse it. Please catch this early on so they don't grow up to be corrupt.

The next morning Alicia, Dylan and Massie show up at soccer practice. They make their own outfits which everyone adores. So, Dylan starts taking orders so others can purchase one for themselves. Plus, they get a warm welcome to the team. In return, The PC mumbles "LBR's" under their breaths. Kori fell and hurt herself and The PC thinks its funny. Also at one point, Massie reassures The PC that the rules that apply to the others on the team do not apply to them.

BINGO! We have a winner! Rules don't apply to them? I have said it all along and that is when giving power to people who do not deserve it, it only gives them a greater sense of entitlement. These girls are proud of themselves and everyone around them just keep feeding them more power. This is done by purchasing what they are wearing and giving such a warm ovation to the team. Why is it funny when someone falls and hurts themselves? The lack of empathy is crystal clear here. They have no respect whatsoever for anyone else and it is showing by calling them LBR's. Is anyone else seeing what is wrong with this picture?

The girls are hiding behind a bush at Briarwood trying to figure out how to get the key to the 8th grade room. Massie starts abusing by Claire by making fun of her eyebrows. Also, her hat, glasses and other things. She states that what Claire looks like is an LBR and whoever does not find the key will look like an LBR like Claire. Then the subject changes and Claire is so happy they have stopped abusing her.

What? Claire needs to get away from these girls and quickly. This child is taking all of this in and it will stay with her for many years. She is learning that friends abuse and when they stop, it means she has done something right. Friends do not abuse friends!

Massie finds out that Claire has lied to her about Cam and a visiting relative. So, she kicks her out of The PC and Claire is beyond devastated. So, she goes to Layne's house where Layne cheers her up. It turns out that the key everyone is looking for is under Chris's bed. Claire and Layne call The PC at Massies and let them know they have the key. Also, they are willing to negotiate terms for having the key.

Okay, it is evident that Layne really is not all that interested in having this key. At the same time, I appreciate how she is not just feeding these girls what they want but making them negotiate. This is what I like about Layne and that is she does not cater to these abusers and put them on pedestals. This results in Claire being admitted back into The PC. I am still trying to understand why she even wants to be a part in the first place. Oh wait, the power and glory everyone give them. She wants that also. Folks, Layne is the emotionally healthy and well adjusted character here. She is not dying to belong to The PC like Claire is. She sees these girls for what they are and as a result she stays away from them. Most importantly, she has a mind of her own and tries to get along with everyone and is comfortable in her own skin. THIS is healthy behavior! Talk to children about aiming towards having these social skills before any others.
Disclaimer: I do not own these books or these characters. They belong to Lisi Harrison and the people at Poppy Books.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dial L for Loser

The Pretty Committee has been expelled from OCD for breaking the rules on the Lake Placid trip. During their "hiatus" Dylan gets them on her mothers show The Daily Grind where they meet a couple of A list actors. This leads to Massie, Alicia and Claire going to Hollywood to audition for a movie Dial L for Loser. Kristen and Dylan stay behind in Westchester.

The girls are at the mall during school hours. Kristen has been punished and is to be studying on her own during the day. Claire's parents are looking into public school. Dylan is not punished because her mother blamed herself for traumatizing Dylan by kissing her teacher. Alicia's father is ready to sue the school if they do not let her back in. Massie's parents have said as long as she does something educational with her time then all is well.

Once again, Dylan is not traumatized. Alicia's father is not holding her responsible at all. It sounds as if Massie's parents are just being negligent. Kristen and Claire's parents are doing the right thing. If this keeps up, these three will be full blown embezzlers and other white collar criminals. We have a problem with accountability in this nation and this is one reason why.

At OCD, a protest is held by students to let The Pretty Committee back in the school. Layne has been pitching for Claire to come back. Strawberry and Kori have started their own circle called Da Crew. Some tennis girls have started a club called The Country Club. Now that The PC is gone these groups are clamouring to be the top clique at school.

First off, why would any one want people around who treat them terribly? The PC has no interest in any one else so why are these people fighting for them to come back? I can understand Layne wanting Claire back as they are friends. I am glad Strawberry and Kori have moved on and are not fighting for these girls to come back. However, forming a clique to be on top? Do you see how The PC is influencing others around them? I say the same about the girls from The Country Club. Where do you think these other girls are learning this behavior?

The Pretty Committee go to the set of The Daily Grind and meet Abby Boyd and Hadley Durk. These are the hottest actresses in Hollywood and are to be working on a movie together. However, they dislike one another in real life. During the interview with Merri-lee, these two actresses fight and Hadley quits the movie. Massie's cell phone gets lost and the Director, Rupert, gets it. He wants to replace Hadley with a unknown fresh face actress. A tabloid show airs on television later in the evening and Rupert is holding up the phone and asking the owner to call it and he will talk to her about being in the movie.

Wow! A kid gets expelled from school and instead of punished she gets to audition for a movie! Has anyone noticed that bad behavior is rewarded? Parents, do I even need to say it? Talk to your kids about how this is wrong and on so many levels.

Massie and The PC send out a online newsletter to "their fans." They exaggerate their visit to The Daily Grind as a way to make everyone jealous. Also, to remind Da Crew and The Country Club who is on top at the school.

This is classic narcissistic behavior. The need to be admired and to make everyone want what they have when nine times out of ten it is exaggeration. If anyone encounters someone who does a lot of embellishing and bragging, do your self a favor and walk away. Better yet suggest they get into therapy. I am serious here. As for fans, once again, stop feeding a bully! The only way a bully reigns is when you give them that power. As you see here, we have a narcissist in the making. You are hurting them twice as much as you are hurting yourself and others around you.

Claire, Massie, their mothers and Alicia go to Los Angeles to audition. On the way to the audition, Massie lets Claire know that she will not get the part. Well, Claire does get the part which angers Alicia and Massie. During the wardrobe fitting, Massie says hurtful things to Claire like Cam will dump her, Claire was allergic to make-up, there will be other movies for losers and the Dial L for Loser crew will find out what a loser she really is. The wardrobe lady steps up and asks Massie if she is Claire's best friend. Massie affirms and the wardrobe lady thought she had a funny way of showing it by saying hurtful things to her. Alicia laughs and Massie blows it off. In Massies mind, Claire deserved it because she got the part.

Okay, for starters, Massie's verbal abuse (no not bullying but full on verbal abuse) was uncalled for. Claire did not deserve this at all. I am glad the lady in wardrobe caught on and spoke up. Parents, please do the same! Kids, do not take this from anyone. Claire took this out of fear. She knew she was in trouble when she beat Massie for getting the part. Claire is developing a lot of resentment and anxiety from all of this. These put downs, if heard enough will eventually create anxiety issues within her along with the low self-esteem she is suffering as a result of her friendship with Massie. If a friend is treating you this way then they are not a real friend but an abuser. Get away from them and take their power with you! Massie gets away with this because instead of standing up to her people feed her.

Back at the hotel, Massie tells Claire to tell her assistant to find her a set of new friends.

At this point, Claire should move on. She does not need this treatment. A real friend will support and not abuse her.

Massie and Alicia become behind the scenes reporters for The Daily Grind for the movie. During an interview, Massie announces that she will playing a loser named Molly in the movie. "You should see her, she is a real natural" says Massie.

Parental intervention is needed yesterday here. These girls are expelled from school and are in Hollywood and part of a movie? No punishment? Instead of enjoying her time in the movie, Claire is a nervous wreck. Massie and Alicia once again take their power and abuse Claire. Why is Dylan's mother even allowing this on the air? Why isn't Claire's mother stepping in or Massie's for that matter? Kristen is probably the only one that is learning any lesson from being expelled from school.

Claire decides to go out on the town one night with Abby and Connor who are also in the movie. Massie called and asked what her plans were but she blew Massie off and went out with the other two instead.

Can you blame her? Who wants to listen to a night time of put downs and insults? Finally, she is away from these two and enjoying herself even though she knows she will pay later. Claire has done nothing wrong legally. Yet, she feels as if she is sitting with a death sentence hanging over her head. Does anyone understand why this child is a chronic nail biter?

Massie learns from Abby that Claire has a crush on her co-star Connor. In reality she doesn't but Abby has to hide the fact that she and Connor are a couple in real life and have to keep it out of the press. So, she gives Massie this information. Massie uses it and goes to a local pharmacy and buys all sorts of things that will humiliate Claire when they do an interview. Once on the air in Claire's trailer, Alicia and Massie start pulling things out of Claire's trash like Pepto-Bismol for bad nerves, Oxycream for a bad zit problem, Listerine for bad breath, Depends for bladder control problems, Rogaine for baldness, Head and Shoulders for dandruff and other products which they themselves put in there before going on the air.

If I were part of this movie or The Daily Grind I would have had these girls removed permanently. This is outright slander and very common in our nation. We hide behind free speech in order to sabotage others. With friends like these girls who needs enemies? Where is the empathy? Concern or respect?

Later in the day, Connor finds Claire crying. Connor wonders where Claire gets her motivation for crying and Claire points to Alicia and Massie stating it is them that is making her cry. So Connor asks Massie to help him cry like Claire and Abby steps up and says that by hanging around Massie he will learn a lot about ruining others lives and crying buckets. Massie states there is never bad press. Claire says there is such a thing as bad friends. Massie twists things and states Claire is a loser and a drama queen.

Finally! FINALLY! Claire stands up to Massie. However, in front of Connor and Abby. Props to Abby for standing up to Massie and Alicia. Of course, Massie excused her behavior with the bad press comment and turned the tables on Claire calling her a loser and a drama queen. This child is manipulative, never takes responsibility and is learning to twist situations and blame. Bullies ALWAYS spin things. Talk to them sometime and listen to them. Do not let them do this to you. Claire does not have the strength to stand up to Massie on her own. Her self-esteem is low and it is showing. Massie and Alicia are jealous but hardly suffer from low self esteem or self worth. If they were, they would not have pulled the stunts they have pulled so far.

Claire learns Alicia and Massie are invited to Connors to swim. Connor uses this as a cover up to hide his relationship with Abby. Claire knows about the secret relationship but withholds the information from the other girls. While at Connors, the paparazzi are hiding in bushes and snap a picture of them in unflattering positions.

Finally! These two girls are getting some come-uppance. Of course, they are angry and feel this should not have been printed. So, it's okay to humiliate Claire live but not them? Classic bullies! Parents, talk to your kids about how what comes around goes around. Also, teach them to have some respect for others! These girls have no concern for anyone else but themselves and its showing!

On set, Claire is in a scene where she is suppose to kiss Connor. She is not doing it because of Cam. This gets her in trouble with the crew and Alicia and Massie are happy. So, Claire kisses him the next time and Abby gets jealous. She tells Claire she is acting like a porn star and the girls all high five each other.

This is not real life but a part in a movie. These girls are horrible to each other. They have no values, understanding of true friendship and down right catty. We have problems developing here such as narcissism, social anxiety and flat out abuse. Get out of these situations and quickly.

Claire asks her assistant to have Massie and Alicia removed from the set. This angers the girls further as they are escorted off the premises by security.

Finally! Those girls should have been escorted off a long time ago. Instead of feeling happy Claire is miserable as she knows she will pay for this later on. Friends should not fear one another. Where are the adults in all of this?

Claire calls Cam later and finds him angry. When Claire kissed Connor, Massie took a picture with her cell phone and sent it to him.

Now we have cyber-bullying in our midst. Again, Claire needs to break away from these girls but does not have the self-esteem to do so. She fears them and fears being deemed a loser at school. This is why she puts up with them and takes their abuse.

At the end, the girls make up and get Connor back. It turns out that he had no interest in Alicia or Massie and they overhear him say so. Massie helps get Claire and Cam back together. A party is held in their honor when they get home from everyone at the school and parents. Also, the girls are admitted back into OCD under the condition that they participate in extra curricular activities. Everyone is happy at this news.

Why are these girls getting a party? Claire should have gotten one as she got the part. These other two? What these girls need is therapy, not rewards! Parents, be aware of your child and what happens with their friends. They are learning social skills at this point and you want them to grow up and be healthy. This environment is NOT healthy! Does anyone see the psychological problems developing here? Claire should probably be shopping around for anti-anxiety medication hoping this will not develop into full blown depression. Massie and Alicia are in need of behavior modification. I am serious here. I know this is just a book. However, it is also a reflection of our society and what is out there today. I talk to parents all the time about their elementary age children being diagnosed with Bi-Polar illness, Social Anxiety, PTSD and other problems. What is creating all of this? Behavior like this! Please, get involved with your children and give them guidance in these areas. If your child is a bully, crawl out of denial and help him or her before it is too late! Lisi has mentioned somewhere that she got the inspiration for these books from adults she worked with. No, not children but adults who should have known better! Thanks for reading.....

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, stories or books. They belong to Lisi Harrison and the folks at Poppy Books. I am using them for educational purposes only.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Pretty Committee Strikes Back

The students of OCD and Briarwood are going on an overnight field trip to Lake Placid. This is for educational purposes only. Kristen cannot afford to go so she sneaks up instead. A bit of come-uppance comes to the PC in this book.

Massie has decided to have an underground kissing clinic which she calls MUCK (Massie's Underground Clinic for Kissing). This is her way of being the center of attention since Nina has left Westchester and returned to Spain. In Massies eyes they are suppose to idolize her and not Nina. The Friday before they leave for their trip, everyone meets in the OCD Serenity Chapel. This includes The PC, Olivia Ryan (Alicia's friend), Layne Abeley (Claire's friend and the most likable character in this book) and some girls named Livvy, Carrie and Alexandra. These other girls outside of The PC, with the exception of Layne, are thrilled to be part of MUCK.

First off, why does Massie need to always be on top? Why does there even need to be a top? Once again, Massies narcissism is getting the best of her. The best friend anyone could have out of these girls is Layne Abeley. Shes smart, friendly, has a good social conscience, feels good about herself (unlike these other girls) and stands up to Massie. She is not a follower but her own person. If anyone is not an LBR its Layne. As for LBR, according to The PC this means loser beyond repair. We begin to learn of this term and what it means at this point. Girls, please find friends who are similar to Layne. Shes anything but an LBR. Parents, talk to your children about calling other kids losers. Its wrong and the loser behavior belongs to those who even use this terminology.

Massie is charging $20 for the MUCK session. She knows nothing about kissing boys and like most bullies is not only lying but cheating these other girls out of their money. After Massie passes around glossip girl lip gloss, she gives the bad tasting ones to the girls. Alexandra makes a comment about her lip gloss tasting like meat and the guys will want to kiss her after wearing it. Dylan has to make a comment about her being a stray dog.

Massie is learning here how to lie and steal to get what she wants. She has lied about kissing boys as she has no experience. Also, is taking money from these girls. Adult bullies are well versed in this behavior. To the world, this would be considered a scam. As for Dylan, she really needed to keep her mouth shut. These girls do not need to be horrible to one another. Its not cool nor should it be acceptable.

Massie organizes the whole trip for The PC. The girls follow her as usual and not use minds of their own. They are told what they can and cannot wear on their trip.

Once again, these girls will not think for themselves. I hear people complain about the mean girls in women. However, this behavior is acceptable?? Girls, make up your own minds about things and parents, teach them to think for themselves!

Claire's brother Todd has a toy dog named Aibo. He and his friend Tiny Nathan are playing outside with it and Bean, Massie's pug dog hear them in the yard. Massie sets Bean loose to go out in the yard and attack the toy. Claire urged Massie to go down and put a stop to Bean tearing up Todd's dog but Massie was enjoying watching the action in the yard. After the attack Massie calls Bean back inside and she comes bringing the tail of the dog.

Massie's lack of empathy and what we are seeing a lack of conscience is evident here. Why is she enjoying watching her dog tear up a toy that Todd loves? Sure, we can say oh its just a toy but I find this behavior disturbing. Parental intervention is highly needed here. Massie needs to be punished and told to buy Todd a new dog. Not to mention apologize. Claire does have a conscience and plus this was her brother. Yet Massie was not about to stop her fun.

At the campsite, Massie claims the biggest closet for herself. Nobody is arguing with her because they are all too busy catering to her and idolizing her. All except Layne who sees her for what she is. A mean girl and a bully!

Do I even need to say it? Another example of feeding a bully and creating a monster.

Alicia gets even with Claire for kissing Josh at the end of the last book. Claire is upset because Cam is not talking to her.

Again, I am not going to focus on the boy/girl dynamic in this blog. I understand Alicia's anger; its normal in these situations. A girl likes a boy and her friend kisses him. However, revenge is not the answer. Girls, take a few deep breaths and go to your friend and ask what happened. What you see is not always what you get. You do not need to threaten to beat her up or seek revenge. Parents, talk to your kids about talking problems out with each other so they do not go to this level. There is no communication here between anyone (boys included) and as a result, there are a group of miserable kids based on assumptions and not getting the whole story.

Dylan catches her mother kissing her teacher in the cabin. She runs off into the woods and the other four girls follow her. They wind up getting lost in the woods and return to camp 5 hours later. The PC are expelled after this stunt. It was against the rules to take off like they did and they broke a rule. The reactions? Alicia will blame the teachers for losing them and talks lawsuit. Dylan says she is traumatized because she saw her mother and teacher kissing each other. Kristen will sue the school for discrimination against the poor and had to sneak up there. If she had not been discriminated against in the first place, she would not have had to lie to her parents and go up there on her own. As for the other students? They are really upset that The PC is being expelled and plan to fight the school on this decision.

Finally! It is about time these girls are held accountable for their actions! The rules did state that they were not allowed to go into the woods and expulsion would be the result. They broke the rule and are not treated like the crown princesses they have always been treated like. Do you see the result? One threatens a lawsuit. Alicia would not win in a court of law because the rules were outlined. Our courts today are too caught up in trivia like this and real cases needing to be heard are backlogged. Dylan was not traumatized; she was upset and that I can understand. Nobody wants a parent with their teacher as its uncomfortable for them. But traumatized? Give me a break! As for Kristen, well, it was not discrimination as the school had to do what they had to do. Maybe they could have done something for scholarship students but it was not their decision to do this. Plus, this was not a mandatory trip. As for the students being upset, they should be glad they can finally breathe and go to school, be individuals and exist in a healthy environment for a change! All they are doing is creating bigger monsters in these girls. Stop feeding them! Please! Why do you think these girls are so mean to begin with? Its power and by getting upset because they were punished accordingly just gives more power to them to be mean and hurtful to others.

Thanks for reading and will be back next week with the next two installments.

Take Care,

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and am just using them for educational purposes only. They belong to Lisi Harrison and Poppy Books.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Invasion of the Boy Snatchers

Alicias' cousin Nina is coming to Westchester from Spain. She attends OCD with Alicia and The Pretty Committee. Nina enrolls in the 8th grade and is a hit at school. This of course angers Massie. Dylan and Kristen think Nina is great. However, Nina pulls some dirty tricks which leads to revenge on the part of The PC.

This book begins with Claire and Massie's families having dinner at the local country club. Claire finds out her family may be moving to Chicago which upsets Claire, Massie and their families. However, Mr. Lyons changes his mind and the Lyons family moves in with the Blocks. This means Claire and Massie will share a bedroom. Massie has Claire sleep in the bath tub and Claire is not able to shower and care for herself properly. Despite this, she still wants to be in The PC. Massie also states at this point that she gets everything she wants and if she wants Claire to stay in Westchester then she will.

Parents, please talk to your children about sharing and compromising. Also, about "getting everything they want." You spoil your children when they are young and they start to expect everyone else do to the same. Its not a realistic way of living. You create monsters out of them. Also, again, if your child is in the position that Claire is in above, please discourage the friendship. Relationships (healthy ones) are not made of one person doing all of the giving while another one takes. Claire is learning here to sacrifice her own basic needs to be liked by Massie!

At this point, the other friends Alicia, Dylan and Kristen are getting jealous of the friendship between Claire and Massie. Massie gets annoyed and does not want to deal with their insecurities.

Oh dear, these relationship situations are lethal. A group of friends exist and a new friend comes into the picture. At first, it tends to lead to jealousy and that is normal. People do not like to be replaced by other people and this is more of a problem in children. Instead of your child "getting annoyed" by the feelings of the others talk to your child about working together to make the change as smooth as possible. Yes, Massie and Claire are friends but Massie should help the other three get to know Claire as well. This situation right here jump starts insecurities in girls and their relationships with each other. If your child is a newbie, explain the others have known one another longer and its important to get to know all of the girls and not just one. At this point, parents need to step in and do what they can to bring the girls together. Learn to be inclusive and not exclusive. Yes, some things are "life" but you want your children to have healthy social skills too.

At school after coming back from winter break, a kiosk is set up at the school called Virgins where they sell virgin drinks to students. Before the opening, the Pretty Committee is standing at the front of the line and of course, they get to have free drinks.

Once again, that sense of entitlement is there. All the PC is learning here is that they are entitled and should have free drinks while everyone else has to pay. What have they done to deserve this? Please, talk to your children about favoritism and how rules apply to everyone unless its a coupon or contest. The PC once again is learning that they do not have to follow rules and are special for no reason.

Alicia's cousin Nina has arrived and she is popular with the other girls. Being a year older she knows more about boys and other teenage things. This angers Massie and she feels it steals her thunder.

First of all, there should be no thunder to steal. By giving Massie power the other girls are creating a monster here. Does anyone here see the monster developing in Massie? Yes, she is insecure but there are other ways to deal with these situations. Parents, talk to your children about this. Massie's narcissism is developing in spades here. If a new student comes to school, welcome them and not try to hurt them.
Massie has a sleepover and Alicia's mother made her bring Nina which upsets Massie. At the sleepover, Kristen is getting along with Nina so Massie has to insult her new haircut to bring her down a few notches for being friendly with her. Again, Massie reinforces in front of Nina that the sleepovers are exclusive and not to let this happen again. Of course, Massie and Nina do not get along the whole evening.

The last thing on your child's mind at this point should be getting caught up in any power struggles. Alicia's mother should have called Massie's before Nina even came to the sleepover. In the first book Massie's mother got involved and had her invite Claire when she first moved to town. Kristen also did the right thing in trying to get along with Nina. Please, talk to your children about new students at school and how it is important to welcome them. Also, about how they would feel if in their shoes. Also, Massie was wrong for putting Kristen down because she was getting along with Nina.

There is a Valentines dance coming up with the brother school Briarwood Academy. Its a boy/girl dance and we learn that Claire likes Cam, Massie likes Derrington and Alicia likes Josh. We also learn that Nina wants the boys to herself. So, she tells these boys that to win a soccer championship that they must avoid these girls at all costs until the championship game. This of course leads to the boys ignoring the girls and leaves a lot of confusion as a result.

Okay, parents before your child even thinks about boys, please talk to them! I am not going to focus on the boy/girl dynamic with this blog but want to point out that Nina here is behaving just as badly as Massie. She is enjoying the attention of the boys and wants to keep it to herself. This is also wrong.

The living arrangement between the Lyons and the Blocks is getting frustrating. This goes with people living with each other and is normal. We also learn from Alicia at this point that it was her fault that Massie was doing badly in math the year before according to Massie's mother.

Oh goodness......the "my spoiled child does no wrong and it is everyone else's fault" problem. Parents, grow up! Your child is not perfect and what she does away from you much of the time is not what you are aware of. This is classic in spoiled children. Massie doing bad in math was her own fault, not Alicia's! Teach your children responsibility! Alicia is being held responsible for something she is not doing. We wonder why people today cannot accept responsibility for their own actions? Hello!

The PC is trying to find ways to bring Nina down. Seeking revenge because the boys are paying attention to her and not them. Claire is trying and wracking her brain to develop good ideas to bring this girl down. She is making herself nuts over it.

Okay, children need to be learning how to settle their own problems and work through them, I agree. However, not to the point of affecting them in a negative way. At this point, Alicia's mother needs to step in and talk to Nina about being selfish. The other girls do not need to seek revenge. By seeking revenge, a person is going to just wind up hurting themselves in the long run. This stuff backfires if anyone has not noticed. Once again, they have encountered problems that are over their heads and too big to handle. We wonder why our children are so stressed out? As for Claire, I would have stopped trying to be accepted a long time ago. This child is developing anxiety problems as a result of this. Massie makes her sleep in a tub, she is lacking in basic needs and still wants to be liked? She needs to spend more time with Layne Abeley. She's the best friend she's got. It sure would save her mental health wise.

By getting back at Nina, they learn she is a kleptomaniac. She has stolen items like Kristen's bike lock, a keychain and other items belonging to other girls at the school. Alicia, Claire and Massie break into the boys locker room and find these items in there with Nina's things. Massie wants to win the cupid award so badly with Derrington and this is another excuse for revenge.

Um, stealing is illegal in this country. Parental involvement should have happened a long time ago. When someone is stressed and in over their head, they look to these tactics to seek revenge. Where is the guidance? If a child is in over her head, she needs guidance from a parent! Once again, they are learning unhealthy ways in solving problems. Break rules and laws to do it.

At the dance, Nina is the center of attention with the boys. She monopolizes them and the girls have a plan in action for revenge. Massie gets Todd and Tiny Nathan to saw off a heel on Nina's shoe. When she stands up she will fall with uneven heels. When Alicia announces the cupid award and it is Nina and Derrington who wins. Once the couple arrives on stage, Alicia takes the stolen items and dumps them on Nina. Also, she has taken old photos of Nina which are not flattering and made copies and throwing them everywhere for everyone to see. They have been named "braces and zits, frizzy afro, opps my dog thinks I am lame and other undesirable names. At this point, everyone is mad at Nina. Security is called and she is taken by them to the airport to fly back to Spain.

I do not even know where to begin here. Nina could have been seriously hurt with the uneven shoes. Why were Todd and Tiny Nathan not punished? Why was Alicia not punished for her dumping the photos with cruel remarks on them all over the place? Same with the stolen items. Yes, Nina got what she deserved and was sent home to Spain. Security took care of Nina. She was punished accordingly. The PC once again got away with bad behavior. Claire, Alicia and Massie were not doing things for any greater good. They sought revenge instead. At this point, they needed to be punished. Alicia should have been punished for dumping the photos and stolen items. Once again, we learn that rules don't apply to them. Please, help your children problem solve and when things get to be too much, talk to them about telling you what is going on.

Parents, please know I am not trying to tell you how to raise your childen. I am trying to give insight into the relational aggression here and how unhealthy these relationships between tween girls can get. These are problems that can get to be too much for them and adults need to step in at this point. Its food for thought more than anything. Thanks for reading and will be back on Thursday with the next blog post. Have a good week.....

Take Care,


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Revenge of the Wannabes

Alicia is at dance class. Olivia also attends along with Meredith and Catherine. Alicia is by far the best dancer in the class and she relishes the fact that Massie does not attend dance class. This is because for once, people will think she is great and its not all about Massie and being in her shadow. The girls encourage Alicia to host a sleepover the next night and not go to Massie's scheduled one. Also, that they see Alicia as a leader which she appreciates hearing. Unfortunately, these girls also "worship" Massie from afar which gets to Alicia. Lets not forget that Alicia and Olivia cheated on the wardrobe contest in the previous book. She did this because she was tired of Massie always winning everything.

Alicia probably is a leader by nature. However, her talents are not developed here because she is always in Massie's shadow. This can prevent problems for Alicia socially. It already is starting to as she switched these boxes at the contest. She is learning here that her gifts are not as needed and developing a competitive and sneaky nature. If Alicia were an adult, I would see her as a competitive embezzler. As we see, Alicia is involved in activities away from Massie which is good. The PC spends far too much time together as it is and giving Massie a lot of power she does not need. Parents or other adults, talk to your children about the importance of having more than one friend or set of friends. Also, what is wrong with her having a sleepover with another set of friends? This should not be stressing her out at all but because of Massie and her power it is. The "worship" of Massie is only creating a monster. These girls need to stop giving this child so much power!

Alicia is stressed to go to school the next day. She has to see Massie and find a way around the sleepover situation. She skips carpool that morning with the excuse of going to see the Dr. Plus, this is the day she and Olivia are to go to their shoot with Teen Vogue.

This should not have Alicia so upset. She is terrified to go to school because of the sleepover situation. There is nothing wrong whatsoever with Alicia having other friends spend the night. As you see, these girls are learning they cannot be honest with one another and Alicia is limiting herself. Her leadership skills need to be encouraged and in a healthy manner.

At school Alicia sees Massie and has not told her about the sleepover situation. Olivia bounces up to the girls and says something instead. This enrages Massie and she is upset that anyone other than the PC thinks they are coming to her sleepover. Alicia tries to explain and lies that one of the girls wants a makeover. Also, the PC is welcome to come too. Instead of being a reasonable human being, Massie goes off into a tirade. She accuses Alicia of trying to steal her identity. If that is not enough, she calls her more fake than Olivia's nose job and that Alicia is fake Spanish meaning "Fannish" because her father is from Brooklyn and not Barcelona. She finally tops this off with calling Alicia an EW meaning eternal wannabe. Dylan and Kristen have gone to get Massies latte at this point and return to find these girls in this situation. Massie lets Alicia know she will NEVER be her and stomps off with Dylan and Kristen following her.

Oh dear, looks as if Massie needs anger management and if I were her parents, I would see to it that she enroll in some classes. All Alicia did was say she wanted to host a sleepover. Does anyone here see the control Massie has over these girls? They are terrified of her. Why are they not thinking for themselves here? Massie was in the wrong here and not Alicia. Plus, she owed Olivia an apology for her remark about her nose. Massie has no respect for anyone and is developing some serious psychological issues and these other girls are learning that they cannot think for themselves. To settle for being pushed around by others. Alicia was not in the wrong here, Massie was.

Alicia and Olivia go to the Teen Vogue shoot. Alicia is constantly criticizing Olivia on what she is saying, how she is acting etc. It is like Olivia cannot think for herself. They are on the streets of NYC and Olivia finds some knockoff Louis Vutton scarfs for $10 each.

Alicia is learning she can control Olivia and tries to do so. Yes, Alicia is also a leader but a bad one. Personally, I would not want a Louis Vutton knockoff but I am pushing 42, not 13. However, it is Olivia's money and she has a right to purchase what she wants. Right here Alicia is learning she can control others and Olivia is learning that by behaving a "certain way" is the only way she will be accepted by others. Someone needs to talk to Alicia about being a good leader and a good leader does not constantly put others down or tell them how to spend their money.

Massie develops a scheme to get back at Alicia for switching the voting boxes at the wardrobe contest. This time she turns to Claire for help. Alicia had called Massie ahead of time and bragged about being models for the Christmas edition for Teen Vogue. At the agency, Alicia was told she could invite friends to be a part of the shoot with her. So, Massie and Claire call the agency pretending to be Alicia and that they will send the photos right over. The photos are of Claire and the PC of course. Claire is tickled to be helping Massie out.

I understand Massie being angry with Alicia because Alicia did cheat. However, this is not the way to go about it. Parental involvement is in need here. Once again, these girls are learning revenge is the only way and its the worst way to handle any problems. Massie and Claire are also cheating here. Not only Alicia but also Teen Vogue. What did the agency do to deserve this? As for Claire, once again is thrilled to be "used" by Massie. Claire is learning that with friends, you settle for what you can and that should never be the case.

Alicia has dubbed Olivia "Faux Olivia" because she purchased the knockoff scarfs.

Once again, Olivia is letting Alicia treat her any way she wishes without any respect or regard for others. Like Claire, she is settling and her self worth is suffering as a result.

Massie and the PC along with Claire (or Kuh-laire as they call her) decide to set up GLU (Girls Like Us) Headquarters in a barn on Massie's property that her family is turning into a at home spa and gym. The girls have decided it is time for Alicia to pay for cheating at the contest. In GLU Headquarters, they set up photos of Alicia and the proof being a purple blob representing the thimble Massie used to vote. Also, put up a picture of Alicia sitting alone on a sleeping bag. Next, a photo of Massie's State of the Union Blog stating Claire is now in Alicia is out. This is punishment for trying to host her own sleepover. When Alicia arrives, the girls show her all of this and Alicia is heartbroken. Also, for Alicia to stop wearing ugly boots that are not from Spain. Not only punishment for the sleepover but for cheating on the contest. Most importantly, Alicia is now out of the PC. When she goes outside and is crying (the others are laughing while she is crying) she encounters Claire's brother Todd and his friend Tiny Nathan. Todd remembered how Massie treated Claire and Tiny Nathan said they behaved as they do because of fear.

Tiny Nathan is probably the smartest one in all of this. He nailed it when he said these girls behaved as they do towards Massie out of fear. These girls are lacking empathy here (or hiding their guilt because of Massie) and Massies lack of it is evident. It is important to talk to girls about not giving power to a bully and to stand together against fear in these situations. These other girls hold the cards here as they can take that power away from Massie yet they are choosing not to. As for Alicia? She is learning that doing something normal like hosting a sleepover is punishable and once again, her leaderships skills are swept under the rug. Alicia is crushed and to a 12-year-old, this is the worst thing that can happen to them. This stuff is what breeds insecurity in girls. As for Claire, she is only selling her soul here to a bully that really has no concern for her. Sure, she remembers being the target but fears doing the right thing.

Now that Alicia is out of the PC, she decides to form a clique of her own. She brings on Olivia as her "beta" while she is the "alpha". Also, she brings along two other girls named Kori and Strawberry. These girls resemble the other ones in the PC in looks and behavior.

Alicia has moved on and found other friends and that is good. It means she is not going to wallow and allow any depression or PTSD creep up. However, it is strange that she is bringing in friends who resemble her old PC friends. That is showing that she still misses the other girls. There is not a girl that resembles Massie. Right here, it shows that Alicia is trying to stand on her own without Massie or is trying to replace herself as Massie. She needs to be developing her own personality, not Massie's. As for being an alpha, again, this shows she is a leader and Olivia sees her as one. It is evident that Alicia is a leader but her skills are not developed and that is sad.

Alicia has used Todd, Claire's brother, to spy on Massie and the PC to get their secrets. She tries to blackmail Dylan and Kristen into following her and gives them a Louis Vutton knockoff that belong to Olivia. We also learn that Massie likes Cam and Claire has liked Cam but because Massie likes him then she is not allowed to do so.

Now Alicia resorts to blackmail to make friends. As for Claire, if she wants to like Cam then she should. Besides, Cam likes her back. Massie needs to move on and find someone else. These girls are once again resorting to unhealthy means to get their needs met. Alicia's need to lead, Claire's need to have a boyfriend. Dylan and Kristen's need to have friends. Where is the care? Concern? Empathy? Why does Alicia even want friends who do not want to be friends back? Claire sacrifice her own feelings because of Massie? What are these girls learning here? Certainly nothing healthy that's for sure. A lot of using and abusing here. The end results are disastrous. One thing I was told at this age was that a friend was supportive and liked me for who I was. I am seeing none of this here.

The Christmas shoot is being held and the PC, Alicia, Olivia, Kori and Strawberry are there. It turns into a disaster and Alicia is tired from trying to be an "alpha" to her friends. Massie steals a dress that Alicia plans to wear. Alicia starts to miss her "beta" days to Massie's "alpha".

Okay, Alicia is a leader and not a babysitter. She does not need to run around like she is keeping up with them. This is not leadership but control. She cannot control what others do and say. Once again, her leadership skills are suffering. She has potential to be a leader but is learning to be a bad instead of good one.

Alicia winds up apologizing to Massie while Massie does not. Bullies never apologize, remember? Massie gives her conditions. The first is that Claire is the only new PC member. Alicia is allowed to be friends with Olivia but not to bring her into the PC or try to. Also, she has to sever her friendships with Kori and Strawberry.

Once again, no empathy involved. Alicia has learned that not only are her mistakes her responsibility but so are Massie's. Also, that she can have friends that have to be approved by Massie. Why can't Massie be friends with Olivia? Is she hard to control? What about Kori and Strawberry? How does this make them feel? Has anyone considered anyone else's feelings here? The abuse just keeps filtering down amongst these girls.

Adults, do you see the social dysfunction here? Do you want your daughters or charges to grow up with problems because of this? Please, talk to them about these things. Let them know that they are acceptable by just being themselves and not to try to impress someone who has no interest in them or their well being at all. Encourage the gifts they do have and not to settle for people abusing them. If your child is a Queen Bee, for her own mental health, do something about it. You are not helping but hindering her.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Clique series or the series for that matter. These belong to Lisi Harrison and the gang at Poppy Books.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Best Friends for Never

Alright, here is the next post for the second book of The Clique series Best Friends for Never. In this book, the girls treat Claire better but are still distant. Massie learns that her "Queen Bee" status is slipping from Alicia. Alicia heard this from a couple of other girls. These girls are discussing having a boy/girl party and Massie cannot handle that. So, in order to have this party she enlists Claire on a plan. It is decided that the girls can co-host a Halloween Party.

Massie, Claire and their families are at Massie's home celebrating her fathers birthday. Massie starts giving Claire a hard time about her clothes.

Okay, right here is the perfect example of how bullies do not like people who are different from them. They absolutely cannot handle differences in others because this cannot be controlled. So they usually give those who are different a hard time and abuse them.

Massie learns from Alicia that a couple of girls at school, Brianna and Liz, said Massie is slipping. Brianna is having a boy/girl party for Halloween. This sends Massie into a panic.

Massie's insecurities are alive here and because she cannot control the situation, she panics. She will find a way for revenge. Queen Bees resent anyone who challenges them.

Massie uses Claire to come up with a scheme to have a Halloween boy/girl party. In return, Massie is suppose to help Claire get a cell phone as she is not allowed to have one until she is 16. Claire helps Massie get permission for the party. However, Massie does not help Claire with the cell phone issue. At the same time, Claire is delighted to be a part of this.

Claire really needs to stop catering to a Queen Bee. Despite how Massie treats her, she still wants to be accepted by her. Parents, adults or anyone in authority, talk to your children about healthy relationships and how they are based on give and take. Massie is not learning compromise here and Claire is learning that to be liked, she has to be accepted by a bully. Healthy relationships are based on give and take. It is important to learn this if they want to have lasting friendships. Adult intervention needed to be sought at this point.

The school goes to a pumpkin patch as a field trip to pick out pumpkins. Massie and her friends find Brianna and Liz. She lets them know her Halloween Party will be held on the same night as Brianna's. In the meantime, Alicia takes her shoes and ruins the other girls pumpkins.

First off, Brianna and Liz are allowed an opinion and should be able to have one without any grief from anyone else. This is a huge problem with girl bullies. Someone will give an opinion about them and they do something to harm these people or threaten them in some way. All Brianna and Liz are learning here is that their opinions are not valid or acceptable. Alicia is learning it is okay to destroy other peoples property and get away with it. Massie is just being nasty because someone else makes a decision to do something and it is not her. Folks, it is important to talk to children about people having choices and opinions in this nation or in general. These actions above make people feel like they are not allowed to have opinions and may affect their need to initiate anything in the future. Some will argue that they are just kids but kids at 12-years-old are capable of comprehending this.

Massie, Claire and their mothers go shopping at the mall. Massie secretly calls The PC on her cell phone to come there to meet her. Massie's mother is not happy about this.

Bullies cannot stand to be alone. They always operate in a pact. Massie's mother should have told those girls to go home when they arrived. This was a trip for the Blocks and Lyons families alone. If Massies mother knew her daughter, she would know what she was really up to.

Massie and her friends are dressing as devils for Halloween. Claire is also dressing as a devil at the insistence of Massie's mother. Also, because they are co-hosting the party. The PC decides to wear the costumes to school to start a trend. This results in the school deciding on having uniforms.

Again, the bully must be in control and despite what others think, they follow them blindly. Massie did this to start a trend so others would still love and adore her. Massie and The PC are in the early stages of narcissism at this point.

At the Halloween party, which is well attended by the kids at OCD and the brother school Briarwood, Claire meets Cam. Kristen and Dylan start to fight over a boy named Derrington, Alicia and a girl named Olivia start hanging out. Alicia and Olivia are so wrapped up in each other that they forget to tell Massie good bye which angers Massie.

Okay, I can understand Massie being angry here. This is a show of bad manners on Alicia and Olivia's part. Also, lack of consideration and concern for others. Adults, teach children manners please! As a society, we are lacking a great deal in this department. There is nothing wrong with common courtesy and kindness.

Massie and The PC decide that a contest is in order for the uniforms. Whoever wins will design the new school uniforms. Massie, Dylan, Kristen and somehow Claire are on a team together. Alicia and Olivia decide to work together which angers Massie. At the contest, the finalist are Massie/Dylan/Kristen/Claire and Olivia/Alicia. Everyone is to vote on the best costume by using thimbles. Massie takes her thimble and paints it purple for the color of royalty. At the end of the contest, Olivia/Alicia are declared the winners but Massie sees her thimble in their box. This means that someone switched the boxes and cheated. Massie being mad is an understatement.

Okay, whomever switched the boxes is in the wrong here. This is a lesson in learning to cheat and steal from others. Adults, please let children know that stealing is illegal and punishable by law. Better they learn this now before they grow up and try and pull the same stunts but in a different manner.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or books. These all belong to Lisi Harrison and the folks at Poppy Books.